Announcement: We have a winner!

We have a winner! Congratulations to Michelle Marie, the lucky winner of the Greene Reid & Pomeroy $250 Visa Gift Card Holiday Giveaway. Thanks to everyone for participating. We’ll have more contests coming in 2024 as well! Happy Holidays!


173 Intrepid Lane
Syracuse, NY 13205
Tel: 315-492-2222
Fax: 315-492-9741


39 Church Street
Cortland, NY 13045
Tel: 607-605-9990
Fax: 315-492-9741


Allen’s Plaza
23245 NYS. Route 342
Watertown, NY 13601
Tel: 315-786-6600
Fax: 315-492-9741

*By Appointment Only


The Perry Building
89 Court Street
Binghamton, NY 13901 
Tel: 607-238-5898
Fax: 315-492-9741

Are You Injured?

Call Greene Reid & Pomeroy today for a free consultation. You pay no fee until we recover.

Syracuse | Cortland | Watertown | Binghamton